Sunday, April 14, 2019

Two Types Of Matzah

In Bamidbar (9:11) it says the pesach should be eaten with matzah and marror.  However, in Shemos (12:18) it says the obligation to eat matzah independently, is matzah to be eaten alone or together with the pesach?  The Gemorah in Pesachim 120a reconciles the two verses.  The verse in Shemos teaches us that even when there is no pesach there still is an obligation to eat matzah.  We see from the Gemorah that there are two obligations of matzah, one as part of the pesach and other as its own obligation.

Tosfos in Kiddushin 38a asks for that the generation that entered Eretz Yisroel and didn’t have matzah, the mitzvah of matzah should be doche the lav of eating chadash.  The Achronim ask that one only fulfills matzah that could’ve become chametz.  If its chadash, then the lav of chametz isn’t chal and therefore can’t become chametz.  So how can one fulfill the obligation of matzah with chadash?  The Zecher Yitzchak (80:2) explains that all the laws necessary for matzah like lechem oniy, can become chametz etc. only apply to the obligation of matzah to be eaten with the pesach.  However, the obligation to eat matzah by itself doesn’t have all these details.  This obligation is to merely eat something called matzah.  (See further elaboration about this principal in Kol Avinoam siman 18 by Rav Warmen.)

This lomdus can be used to explain what appears to be a contradiction in the Haggadah.  We start Maggid by explaining the reason of matzah is because that’s what we ate as slaves in Egypt.  However, at the end of Maggid, when we give the reasons for the mitzvot we say it’s because we had to flee Egypt in a hurry and the bread had no time to rise.  Which one is the reason, is it because of the slavery or the freedom?  Furthermore, what is the connection between the fact that we ate matzah in Mitzraim and the line afterward in the Ha Lachmeanyah where we add a prayer to be in Jerusalem next year?  Based upon the understanding of the two obligations of matzah we can understand these two passages in Maggid.  The first mention of matzah is referring to the obligation to eat it with the pesach and marror.  This was the obligation of matzah that Bnei Yisroel had before being freed.  This matzah serves a remembrance of the slavery.  Therefore, it goes together with marror and the pesach to remember the slavery and how Hashem saved us from the makkos and killed the Egyptians.  This obligation we can’t fulfill today without a pesach and therefore we say a prayer that next year we should be able to fulfill it in Jerusalem.  The second reason the Haggadah gives for matzah is for the obligation to eat matzah independently.  This matzah corresponds to the matzah that was eaten because we were rushed out and is a remembrance to the freedom (Based upon Haggadah Yesi Veyipsach.)

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