Tuesday, April 23, 2019

No Hallel

The Shibaley Haleket 174 brings three reasons why there is no hallel on the last day of Pesach as opposed to Sukkot that it is every day.  1. The korbanot are the same every day as opposed to on Sukkot where every day is unique (Arachim 10b.) 2. We only say hallel on Sukkot because there is lulav every day (Yerushalmi Sukkah 5:1) [The מחייב of hallel stems from lulav which is connected to hallel.] 3. Because the Egyptians drowned in the sea so we shouldn’t rejoice over their downfall (Medrash Harnenu.)  The Achronim ask why he didn’t say like the Gemorah in Arachin 10b?  However, it seems they didn’t have the Shebulay Haleket to see inside because we see he does cite the Gemorah, he is just quoting all the reasons. 

צ"ע that the last reason only explains why there is no hallel on the last day but doesn’t explain חול המועד?  The Taz (490:3) adds that חול המועד shouldn’t be better than yom tov.  

The Yeshout Yaakov (490:1) asks the aforementioned question of why do we need this additional reason besides that which is said in the Gemorah?  He answers that there are two reasons to say hallel.  One reason is because it is a holiday and that reason is covered by the answer of the Gemorah.   However, there is another reason to say hallel and that is because of the miracle that happened to Klal Yisroel and that reason isn’t affected by the korbanot so the Shebaley Haleket needs a new reason.  However, this doesn’t work in the Taz for he doesn’t need to say that חול המועד can’t be better than Yom Tov, he should suffice with the reason of the Gemorah?  And in the Shebaley Haleket it doesn’t seem to work either for if the reasons were complimentary, why cite the Yerushalmi?

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