Sunday, January 20, 2019

Few Thoughts on Happiness and Chassidus of Rav Hirsch

Rav Hirsch in regard to the parsha of shabbas regarding the man, contrasts the shabbos which involves eating and drinking as opposed to other religions.  He says "this elevation of the enjoyment of on'es sense into a God-serving act, dedicated to God, constitutes one of the most characteristic marks of the difference between Jewish teachings and others.  Generally, the thought of the might of the gods is rather an oppressive one, and happy laughter has to fear the anger of the gods.  Jewish thought of the Might of God, is a cheering comforting one.   Man  with all his "littleness" struggles upward to this Might.  Entering the service of this might, man with all his weakness, takes part in this Might." etc.  Now this sounds like a Hassidic idea, but its written in Hirsch, far from a chosid.  Clearly Rav Hirsch recognized the need for happiness and joy in yiddeshkit.
In Halachik Man, Rav Solevetchik explains the hisnagdus of Rav Chaim to mussar was because it leads to עצבות and נפילת רוח.  Rav Solevetchik says that the mussar movement itself had a change in the schools of Slobadka and Mir and threw out the depressing marts of the study.  This is a description by a Brisker, about a Brisker and there is also an understanding that if one is in a state of depression, upsetness  and melancholy it is impossible to advance in ruchnious!
The Kabbalistic books all say that עצבות is from the "other side."  This is of course not just for kabbalists, this is a fact of life understood by all.  Obviously there is more of an emphasis on this avodah in chassidus and especially in certain groups of chassidim, however it is a yesod muscam by all.  There is even a very harsh language in Tanya, Egeres Hakodesh 11, עיי"ש.
The Alter Rebbe in Beshalach discusses the meaning beginning of the parsha in Chassidus and its application to our life.  He explains that Plishtim represents extreme happiness, Plishtim comes from the word מבוי מפולש, a openness as one feels in a state of happiness.  Hashem didn't allow Bnei Yisroel to pass through the Plishtim, if one just experiences happiness, it will collapse when there is a war, a נסיון, hard times.  True sustainable happiness is obtained through עבודה, when it is bound to the service of Hashem (ויש עוד להאריך בזה בדעת אדמו"ר הזקן.)


  1. see שערי אור להרב יצחק בלאזער which expressly addresses the fear that many opponents of mussar expressed that it was to depressing. He explains that the greatest happiness is the one which comes from knowing that one is doing the right thing and following a path which can indeed uplift him from פחת מעשיו. There is also evidence to this from descriptions of Novhardok baalei mussar by Rabbi hillel goldberg in his book about the mussar movement. Novhardok did not change the depressing aspect of mussar as slabodka and mir did. They were described as the happiest people he knew.

  2. thanks for the ממ. Yes, but you see even Nevardek agree one must be happy to serve Hashem properly (which is my point,) clearly the debate is if one does actions which are depressing with the goal of happiness in mind is that too much of a danger or not ויש עוד להאריך בזה ואכ"מ
