Thursday, February 7, 2019

Torah And Mishkan

The Ramban explains it says ועשו ארון in the plural sense because everyone has a portion in Torah.  
The Nitziv (and others) elaborate on the fact that the menorah represents chochmos haTorah.  So why doesn’t it use a plural language in regard to the menorah like it says regarding the  aron?  The menorah is connected to Torah shebaal peh as opposed to the aron (which contains the luchos and a sefer Torah), represents Torah shebecsav.   Torah shebaal peh isn’t for everyone.  It requires a lot of work to acquire and not everyone is equipped for it.  But Torah shebecsav is for everyone to find their connection to it.   
Why is the first object of the mishkan mentioned the aron, one would think it should be last for it wasn't used for any avodah?  The Ramban explains that the function of the mishkan was for there to be a place of the hashras haShechina.  The main object that carried out this function was the aron for it was where Hashem spoke to Moshe and contained the Torah.  [Even the Rambam may agree that this was the main function of the mikdash, see back of Likutay Sichos volume 4 pg. 1346 footnote 24 here.]  The midrash in Pekuday says that Moshe was the one who had to stand the mishkan up.  Why did it have to be erected specifically by Moshe?  The Alter of Slobadka explains that to set up a mishkan you need the power of Torah.  Moshe is the teacher of Torah, hence he must erect the mishkan.  The hashraes hashechina only comes about through the power of Torah.  [The mishkan itself was an extension of maatan Torah according to the Ramban.] 

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