Thursday, February 21, 2019

Thought On The Daf

The Gemorah in three places brings the teaching of Rabbe Meir that the techeles is similar to the sea, which looks like the sky, which is similar to sapphire, which is akin to the כסא הכבוד.  Rashi in Menachos 43b explains that when one sees his techeles, he will be reminded of Hashem.  However, Rashi in Chullin 89a (daf hayomi this upcoming Sunday,) explains that when Hashem “looks at” his כסא הכבוד, He will be reminded of the techeles which represents all the mitzvot.  I believe that Rashi switched his explanation for in Menachos the Gemora cites the memra in context of how the mitzvot protect a person from sinning and therefore Rashi explains the memra in a similar manner.  However, in Chullin, the Gemorah is citing it to explain why tiffilin and techales are the reward for Avrohom not taking anything from the king of Sedom.  The Gemorah says that tefillin we benefit because everyone sees the shem Hashem upon us and in regard to techeles it cites this memra.  Therefore, Rashi explains in a similar vein how we benefit from the mitzvah of techeles because hashem thinks of us.  My problem is that Rashi in Sotah17a (in the same context as Chullin,) explains the memra that when one fulfills titzit he is מקבל פני שכינה (that is why the techelas represents the כסא הכבוד.)  So why did he change his explanation from Sotah in Chullin?

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