Wednesday, July 3, 2019


The Or HaChaim in Shlach (14:38) asks why does the possuk repeat that Yehoushu and Calev remained alive from the spies?  Furthermore, why does the possuk need to say from those that went to check the land, we know they went?  He explains that the possuk is describing that they merited to live because they stood out from amongst the meraglim.  Had they not have stood out, then even if they were righteous they would’ve been killed as part of Klal Yisroel.  In this week’s parsha (16:21) on the words הִבָּ֣דְל֔וּ מִתּ֖וֹךְ הָעֵדָ֣ה הַזֹּ֑את וַאֲכַלֶּ֥ה אֹתָ֖ם כְּרָֽגַע he says the possuk is referring to the tzaddikim,  but not to Moshe and Aharon for they would not be killed with everyone.  We see from the Or HaChaim there is a concept of collateral damage in the punishments from Hashem, but it will not apply to super tzaddikim like Moshe and Aharon.  In (17:10) the Or HaChaim says the same idea.  (See Babba Kamma 60a for the concept of collateral damage in heavenly punishments and Avodah Zarah 4a for the exclusion of super tzaddikim.)  The Ramban also questions why would the non-sinners be wiped away with Korach?  He answers that there would be a general punishment because the people had a leaning towards Korach.

According to the Or Hachaim, why is there a concept of collateral damage if Hashem’s judgement is complete truth?  I leave that for the reader to decide.

Another point on punishments in this weeks parsha.  Rashi (16:27) says that we see how difficult machlokus is for even the young children were killed in the rebellion of Korach.  The Maharal asks how can children be punished they aren’t responsible for their actions?  He explains that its not a punishment, it’s a natural consequence. There is an innate connection between machlokes and gehannim.  He says that both  the source of machlokes and gehannim were created on the same day because they are naturally connected.  He expands upon this idea further in Derech Chayim on Avos (5:16.)  We can explain this idea a little differently than he does.  When one is engaged in machlokes it leads to separation from the other individual.  Gehhenom is where one must be placed if the individual needs some additional time to achieve unity with God.   Both things share the common ground of a lack of unity.  One engaged in machlokes uses the sense to able to be in complete unity and that carries over to the individual's relationship with God as well, it isn't a punishment, its an outgrowth of the personality.

1 comment:

  1. perhaps collateral damage exists based on the mishna in pirkei avos perek 1, הרחק משכן רע ואל תתחבר לרשע. the ברטנורא explains that you might learn from their maasim. If so collateral damage could be a punishment for violating that סיג.
