Explains Rav Unertman:
The episode of the tribes asking for the land is met by Moshe with anger. He compares them to the meraglim trying to dismay everyone else from entering the land. Why was Moshe so harsh, they just made a sensible request because they had a lot of livestock, they wanted to remain in grassy lands? Rav Dovid Solevetchik explains that being sensible was the mistake. We weren't given Eretz Yisreol because of its greater physical nature and makeup; because it has superior fruits. We were given the land that has the ability to give spiritual growth to its inhabitants. By taking into consideration their mundane needs, the tribes of Reuban and Gad showed they missed the boat. In that vein they were similar to the meraglim who were also afraid of a fight because they thought the conquest of Eretz Yisroel was עפ"י טבע, when in deed it was not.
Eretz Yisroel isn't ours as just a land to call our own, it is the land that enhances, improves and intensifies our connection to Hashem.
I don't understand rav unterman's pshat in the medrash tanchuma parshas ki savo. He mentions that krias shema and tefila help replace the bikkurim. But this can't be the pshat in the medrash since krias shema is דאורייתא. And even למ"ד שס"ל שקריאת שמע דרבנן הוא עיין בשאגת אריה סי' א' שביאר שרק מה שאנו קוראין אותו פרשה הוא דרבנן אבל עצם החיוב לקרות שום פסוק בתורה בשכבך ובקומיך הוא דאורייתא לדברי הכל. I'm not saying that his idea for bikkurim doesn't make sense. it does. just that it cant be the whole picture. the comparison to tefillah has to be in another respect.