Monday, July 15, 2019

Golus Sense

                           Does golus make sense?  Toras Menachem Hoshana Rabbah 5784.


  1. what is שכל דנה"א?
    also why does he say that galus doen't make sense even in a nekudas השכל does it not say in פסחים פז: מפני מה ישראל מפוזרים בכל ארצות יותר משאר עובדי כוכבים כדי שיתוספו עליהם גרים. So it would appear that there would be some nekudah of שכל that humans can understand. Also I can't remember where I read this (maybe in a דרשה from the מהרא"ל צינץ) that the מקובלים talk about collecting ציצוצות קדושה from the galus. It may not be understanding but why does it not suffice as a nekudah

  2. Of course there are reasons for golus, that is pointed out at the beginning. But despite all that, Hashem could've accomplished that in another way without going through golus. (As the Arizal himself says without golus, the nitztotzos would have been elevated because they would've come to Yerushalim.) Why is such a super long golus necessary for all this? You will say its necessary, but its not known why. That is what defies understanding.
