Thursday, March 26, 2020

Poignant Points Pnei Menachem

I wish to share a couple of thoughts which are in the Pnei Menachem on this weeks parsha.
1.The Gemorah in Chullin (139b) says משה מן התורה מנין (בראשית ו, ג) בשגם הוא בשר.  everyone asks Moshe' name is mentioned countless times in the Torah, why do we need to find a slight hint to his name?  The Maharsha explains that Moshe had many names as the midrash says, therefore, the Gemorah is asking how do we know that the main name of Moshe is moshe?  The Gemorah proves that we find that even before Moshe is born he is hinted to with the name Moshe, hence that must be his "true" name, the name that reflects his essence.  Why is Moshe's essence hinted to in this verse?  Explains the P.M. because Moshe's essence is to uplift others (as mentioned a few weeks ago here.)  That is the hint in the possuk.  בשגם הוא בשר, even if a person has sunk so low that they are a mere piece of meat, still Moshe will lift that individual up.

2. Our current lives have been including spiritually with our houses of worship, prayer and study closed down.  No doubt this has caused a spiritual decline in people's service of God and many wonder why this would be.  Of course I have no clue and am quite perturbed however the P.M. points out a lesson in history where sometimes less = more.  During the Purim story Mordechay did the unthinkable and had everyone cancel their Pesach plans for the Persian Plaza and declared the first days of Pesach to be days of fasting and mourning.  Even though there was plenty of time left untill the decree of Haman and why not enjoy Pesach and use the merits of eating the holy matzah and drinking the wine as additional merits to be saved?  We see some times all that's wanted is our prayers and everything else can fall by the wayside.

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