Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Building Or Planting?

The beracha about Jerusalem in Shemone Esrai refers to the rebuilding of the city.  ובנה אותה, בונה ירושלים.  However, regarding the Moshiach the beracha is את צמח דוד עבדך מהרה תצמיח, its referred to a plant sprouting.  Why does Moshiach sprout but Yerushalaim is built?  What's the difference between sprouting and building?
The Mesillas Yesharim starts Ch. 1 יסוד החסידות ושרש העבודה התמימה הוא שיתברר ויתאמת אצל האדם מה חובתו בעולמו ולמה צריך שישים מבטו ומגמתו בכל אשר הוא עמל כל ימי חייו.  Why does he use the word יסוד regarding חסידות and שורש regarding עבודה תמימה?  Rav Wolbe explains that עבודה התמימה is within grasp of everyone.  Everyone is born with such capability; it just has to be brought out.  That is like a שורש, it is underground and must be fertilized until it sprouts, but the potential is already there.  חסידות on the other hand, is to above and beyone the letter of the law.  That doesn't come naturally and is a מדרגה one must create on their own, one must build themselves up brick by brick until they can reach such a level. 
That is the difference between Moshiach and Yerushalaim.  The world is implanted with the power of Moshiach in it as the midrash says at the beginning of Berashis ורוח אלקים מרחפת על פני המים זו רוחו של משיח.  Its not a building process to achieve geulah, it is a process of bringing out the seed from the ground.  Yerushalim on the other hand, is a city that must be built. A city to unit all mankind to serve God is built by making the world able to recognize such a possibility, it is not naturally ingrained in טבע.

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