Monday, March 18, 2019

Split Personality Of The Megillah

The Rambam writes at the end of the laws of megillah that in the times of moshiach all of Nach will be בטל except for Megillas Ester.  What is the secret of the Megillah, why will it remain?
Rashi on the Megillah (9:20) says that Mordechai wrote the Megillah.  In Babba Bathra 15a the Gemorah lists the order and who wrote the books of Tanach.  The Gemorah says it was written by the אנשי כנסת הגדולה and Rashi adds that it was written only after they returned to Eretz Yisroel and were able to receive prophecy.  This contradicts what Rashi says in the Megillah that Mordechai wrote it in Persia write after the story?  The Briskor Rav explains that there are two dinim in the Megillah.  It has a din of krias megillah, to read the story that happened to commemorate the miracle.  There is a second din that it is part of Tanach, it has a din of כתבי הקודש and even some of the same laws as a sefer torah.  Mordechai wrote the Megillah to commemorate the miracle, it was the אנשי כנסת הגדולה that made it part of כתבי הקודש.  This would seem to be reflected by the fact that the Megillah is called a אגרת and called a ספר.  What is the nature of these two dinim?

The Megillah says (9:30) that it is called דברי שלום ואמת.  What does this mean?  The Gemorah 16b learns from here it is like אמתה של תורה and requires שרטוט (which we discussed here.)  The Yerushalmi says that it is like the Torah and can be darshened.  It is clear that the word emes is to equate the Megillah with Torah.  What does shalom mean? The Gemorah in Chagigah 9a says וליוצא ולבא אין שלום אמר רב כיון שיוצא אדם מדבר הלכת לדבר מקרא שוב אין לו שלום, the Megillah is telling us that first and foremost the Megillah is תורה שבעל פה, it is shalom but it is also part of כתבי הקודש, emes. 

What is the importance of this dual personality of the Megillah?  We all know the Gemorah in Shabbos that originally the Torah wasn’t accepted willingly but on Purim the Torah was accepted wholeheartedly.  Tosfos asks what does it mean that the Torah wasn’t accepted willingly, klal Yisroel said נעשה ונשמה?  The Tanchuman in Noach says that we said נעשה ונשמה in regard to the תורה שבכתב but on the תורה שבעל פה  we had to be forced.  The nes of Purim happened because of the acceptance of the Torah.  אורה זו תורה, the לך כנוס את כל היהודים is to replicate the כאיש אחד בלב אחד at maatan torah.  Purim is the celebration of the acceptance of the Torah.  It is first and foremost an acceptance of the Torah that wasn’t accepted, the power of the תורה שבעל פה but it was also a new acceptance of the תורה שבכתב and therefore these two bodies of Torah are reflected in the Megillah.

The Rishonim on the Torat Kohanim at the beginning of Bechukosai say that it is the learning of the laws of Purim that is a fulfillment of remembering Amalek.  It is the learning to the Torah she baal peh, of halachos specifically that causes the downfall of Amalek.

ומה מדיוק דברי הרמב"ם for he writes כל ספרי הנביאים וכל הכתובים עתידין ליבטל לימות המשיח חוץ ממגילת אסתר הרי היא קיימת כחמשה חומשי תורה וכהלכות של תורה שבעל פה שאינן בטלין לעולם, all the words of the prophets won’t be necessary for there will be no more need for rebuke.  However, the Megillah has the status of Torah and Torah שבעל פה ( (דברי אמת ושלוםand therefore it will remain even in the future (based upon intro. to Zar Aharon by Rav Moshe Mordechai Karp.)

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