Thursday, December 27, 2018

Thorny Soul

There are many interpretations given for the message of the burning bush.  I wish to share the interpretation of the Degel Machene Efraim with elucidation based upon lectures of Rabbi Y.Y. Jacobson.
At times people reach states of great spiritual heights, they are inspired to learn and daven with tremendous passion.   Their souls have truly been lit with a tremendous fire, they feel a tremendous yearning to cleave to God.  This is prevalent very much in bochurim that have maintained great spiritual heights throughout a zman.   Especially those that may have been attracted to the holy books and learnt words about great spiritual heights and levels.  It would lead one to think that his inside has been cleansed by the great fire, he will now be free from all the inner pressures of the yetzer harah.   However, inside the fire they still feel the prickly thorns of the yetzer harah.  The feelings of קנאה, תואה וכבוד are still intact in his soul.  And the person is left confused.  What happened, is the fire not as strong as he thought, why is he not spiritually fee from the bondage's of the yetzer harah.  The answer is that most people will never reach this level of spiritual freedom, it is out of reach.  What Hashem wants from is is to remain with the thorns inside the fire!  Hashem wants to have the problems, the issues of maintaining kedusha and a passion for avodas Hashem and still serve Him.  In short this is the nekuda merchazis of the Sefer Tanya.  The avodah of the benoni is that he doesn't reach a plateau where he can let down his guard, where he has slain the enemy.  It is a lifelong struggle! Yes, there are a few tzaddikim that become freed of their yetzer harah, the fire has put out the thorns, but they are few and far between. It is everyone's dream to have a rosy, relaxed life.  This desire is not only in regard to one's מצב הגשמי, but in regard to ruchnious as well.  We wish to be free of the קנאה, תואה וכבוד that bog us down.  However, that may not be what Hashem desires.
How can we be ready for geulah if we have so many internal issues, our insides aren't pure?  Hashem tells Moshe that isn't a problem.  Yes, we have a strong, prickly yetzer harah but our job is just to light the fire.

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