Thursday, December 27, 2018

Learning Rashi

I saw in a blog this week a great question on Rashi.  For those who don't click on the link or can't read Hebrew, I will repeat the question in short.  Rashi explains the possuk (15:20)  calls Miriam "the prophet, the sister of Aharon" and not the sister of Moshe for she received prophecy even before Moshe was born that he would save Klal Yisroel.  Rashi cites his source is from Tractate Sotah.  The question is why is Rashi telling us his source (which isn't his common practice,) and why cite Sotah, when the same teaching appears in Tractate Megillah, which is first?  This question is asked among a slew of others in Likutay Sichos volume 16 Beshalach sicha 2 and the explanation (in regard to this question) given is that one might be bothered how could Miriam have received prophesy at such a young, immature age?  That's why Rashi points us to Sotah for in the Gemorah a couple of lines before explains that Miriam is called (2:8) a עלמה, meaning a girl that's mature because she ran with the quickness of a עלמה.  We see from there that Miriam was much further matured than her age and therefore it is possible that she received prophesy. 
 As an aside, many synagogues and battei middrash that carry a far share of the Chassidic literature such as Kedushas Levi, R' Tzaddok, Degel, Bear Mayim Chayim, Sfas Emes, Teferes Shlomo etc. even books of avodah not on the parsha like Likutay Moharan, Tanya etc. don't have a set of Likutay Sichos.  And while the other books are Chassidic teachings, Likutay Sichos is mostly analytical analysis of Rashi.  It is quite obvious that its not hisnagdus l'chassidus that bars Likutay Sichos from entering the door, it is a hatred of Chabad and the Rebbe and his followers specifically.  I am not here to condemn such hate, people are free to hate on whatever they want, but it is quite a shame that a work which is such a treasure chest of serious learning and an unparalleled commentary on Rashi will not be opened by so many people all because of hatred for the author.  A friend of mine once said, if only there was a different name on the title page, the olam hayeshivos would love the work.  Alas, it is a pity.     

1 comment:

  1. A certain yeshiva in far rockaway would stock the chabad chumash (the english one which quotes his peshatim on rashi). They asked the rosh yeshiva and he said that his torah is fine. All they need is for someone to donate the sefarim.
