Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Show Some Concern

Rashi (29:18) says למען ספות הרוה – למען שאוסיף לוג מה שעשה עד הנה בשוגג, והייתי מעביר עליהם, וגורם עתה שמצרפםד עם המזיד ואפרע ממנו הכל, ואפרע ממנו פורענות. וכן תירגם אונקלוס: בדיל לאוספא ליה חטאי שלותא, שאוסיף אני לו השגגות עם הזדונות.  The question is why does the person get punished for something that was a accidental sin?  In the beginning of the Sefer Or L'zion (mussar) he brings a story where Rav Chayim Naeh saw a person getting out of a car on Shabbos and he yelled out Shabbos, Shabbos!  The person responded that he was allowed to travel on account of pikuach nefesh as there it was a time when there was a lot of shooting. Rav Chayim Naeh responded, you are right, but you still were מחלל שבת.  You are exempt for this act of חיללול שבת, but you're קיום שבת has been disturbed.  Rav Ben Tzion concluded that is the way one must feel as to a lack of 'עבודת ה.  In the footnote, they say that s the peshat of the Rashi here.  One who doesn't feel any thing wrong with violating the Torah, even if the situation is אונס will be held culpable for their actions.  So if one does the averah במזיד  s/he is held responsible even for the אונס for that shows their lack of concern for this law of the Torah.  They ass it is for this that we say in vidduy of Yom Kippur for the sins of אונס as well; it is for the sins of אונס that we didn't feel any pain for the violation of the Torah. 

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