Thursday, September 10, 2020

It Is In You

כי המצוה הזאת אשר אנכי מצוך היום לא נפלאת הוא ממך ולא רחקה הוא

According to the Ramban this possuk is talking about teshuva.  Why is it only about the mitzvah of teshuva that the Torah stresses it is close to you?  How is it close to you, teshuva is hard?  And why is it specifically about teshuva that Chazal extol its values with statements like it reaches the כסא הכבוד and other great statements? The midrash says that when a person sins, chachma, Torah and prophesy can't understand the method of teshuva, it is only God that gives advice to do teshuva.  What does this mean?  When a person sins, all of the spiritual aids and forces that protect a person leave.  The individual is left alone, deserted and lonely.  The only way for a person to do teshuva is for it to come out of the depths of the individual's soul.  That is what רבי אלעזר בן דורדיא discovered (Avodah Zarah 17a) when he asked the surrounding celestial beings to help him and they refused.  He was asking for the siritual forces to help him come back on track.  The answer was, you have to do it yourself.  Although, this makes teshuva harder for there is no help, it is also what makes teshuva greater.  That is why Chazal attest to the greatness of teshuva for it is the only mitzvah that must come solely from the person's efforts without any spiritual intervention.  That is what this possuk means that the mitzvah isn't far from you, it is dependent on you alone!  Don't look around for help, it ain't coming, it is up to you to to dig into your soul and make a change for the better (Rav Yeruchem on Haazenu pg. 158.)

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