Tuesday, September 15, 2020

25, Rosh Hashana, Chanukah, Lab B'omer, 9 Av

Why is Rosh Hashana on the 6th day of creation, not on the first?  Dovid Hamelech told Naval (Shmuel l  25:6) ואמרתם כה לחי ואתה שלום וביתך שלום וכל אשר לך שלום.  Why would Dovid promise Nava;, such a wicked man peace, and he died a few days later, so how was it fulfilled?  The Zohar Vaerah (23b) says: אֶלָּא, הַהוּא יוֹמָא, יוֹמָא טָבָא דְרֹאשׁ הַשָּׁנָה הֲוָה, וְקוּדְשָׁא בְּרִיךְ הוּא יָתִיב בְּדִינָא עַל עָלְמָא, וּבְגִין קוּדְשָׁא בְּרִיךְ הוּא קָאָמַר, וַאֲמַרְתֶּם כֹּה, לֶחָי, לְקַשְּׁרָא כֹּה, לֶחָי, דְּכָל חַיִּין בֵּיהּ תַּלְיָין. וְאַתָּה שָׁלוֹם, מַאי וְאַתָּה אַתָּה מִבָּעֵי לֵיהּ. אֶלָּא, וְאַתָּה כֹּלָּא לְּקוּדְשָׁא בְּרִיךְ הוּא קָאָמַר, בְּגִין לְקַשְּׁרָא קִשְׁרָא דִּמְהֵימָנוּתָא וְכַדְקָא יֵאוֹת.  In English: That day was the holy day of Rosh Hashanah (the New Year) and the Holy One, blessed be He, was sitting in judgment over the world. For the Holy One, blessed be He, said, "And you shall say כֹּה to the living" in order to attach 'כֹּה' to the 'living', from which all life comes. "Peace be both to you." What is "both to you?" "Both to you" refers to the Holy One, blessed be He, in order to connect the link of Faith, as is proper.

The Zohar says Dovid was talking about Hashem.  His talk with Naval took place on Rosh Hashana and he was connecting כה to חי.  What does it mean to connect כה to חי and what does this have to do with Rosh Hashana?  The world was created on 25 Elul, it is the day of כה.  Rashi Mattos (30:2) says that all the נביאים  received their prophesy through כה, only Moshe received his prophesy with זה.  The word כה indicates a distance, a lack of clarity.  The world is a cheftzah of כה.  The involvement of Hashem is unclear, it is hidden in the כה אלול, the creation of the world.  Man was created on the 6th day.  It is the job of mankind to recognize Hashem, to so to speak "bring Him" into the world.  That is what it means to attach כה to חי.  Rosh Hashana is the day that we must "bring" Hashem into the כה, the ambiguity that was created on כה אלול (based upon notes of Tzemach Tzedek to Likutay Torah Netzavim pg. מז.) 

It is possibly to this that the Ben Eish Chai was alluding to in his song for Rashbi, וַאֲמַרְתֶּם כֹּה לֶחָי רַבִּי שִׁמְעוֹן בַּר יוֹחַאי.  It is the pnemious haTorah that illuminates every detail and nuance of the world to be filled with Godliness.  That is why Chanukah which celebrates the Torah of the שמן = רזין דתורה (see Emrey Binah (Mittler Rebbe) Krias Shemah #53,) is celebrated on the כה of כסלו.  It is the power of the pnimious haTorah to cancel out the deep darkness of the כה of the dark days of כסלו. 

The word איכה is only a contraction of the words אי כה.  It is the destruction of the Beis Hamikdash that plunged the world into a state of a complete lack of an obvious Godly presence.  The prophet bemones, how can we fall into a deeper state of כה.  It is on this holiday of Rosh Hashana that we have the opportunity to fix  the איכה by לְקַשְּׁרָא כֹּה, לֶחָי.  

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