Wednesday, October 2, 2019

The Teshuva Perspective

The Gemorah in Avodah Zarah (19a) says (תהלים קיב, א) אשרי איש ירא את ה' אשרי איש ולא אשרי אשה? א"ר עמרם אמר רב אשרי מי שעושה תשובה כשהוא איש.  Rashi comments כשהוא איש - כשהוא בחור בכחו. כלומר ממהר להכיר בוראו קודם ימי הזקנה:  Rav Wolbe points out that we see from this Rashi that the essence of teshuva isn't just to separate one's self from sin, it's להכיר בוראו, to have a recognition of Hashem.  It is to live a life a focused-on Hashem.

The simple understanding of teshuva would be that it is a way of fixing what went wrong.  It is a medicine that must be taken to remove a disease. However, healthy, functioning individuals don’t require teshuva (like Rav Chayim said about mussar.) However, Rashi is teaching us that isn’t the case. Teshuva isn’t a means of erasing sin, it’s a different outlook and perspective on life.  Teshuva isn't just the eraser to remove the crude pencil marks of sin, a בדיעבד state.  Teshuva is a לכתחילה, it’s the pen to darken the imprint of Hashem on one’s life.
The Gemorah in Pesachim (54a) says that there are seven things created before the world; one of them is teshuva.  Why would teshuva be created "before" the world if it’s only a do over?  Why would a backup plan be in place even before the A plan gets off the ground?  Why would there be a need for teshuva if there was no sin yet? And what does it mean teshuva was created before the world, there was no concept of time before the world was created to say something came before something else?

The Gemorah doesn’t mean to give us a timeline of what came first, what the Gemorah is describing is that there are certain things that are above and greater than the general rules and boundaries of the world.  Before is in terms of מעלה, it has greater power. העולם comes from the word העלם, to conceal and cover over. This world is a great cover up for Hashem.  It seems as if the world is separate and divorced from Hashem, but in reality, it isn’t.  Teshuva is the ability to raise one’s eyes above the great cover up.  It is the power to see through the façade and see Hashem in the world.  That’s what the Gemorah means that teshuva comes before the world, teshuva is a power which is greater than the concealment of the world.  It is, in the words of Rashi the ability להכיר בוראו.


  1. the concept of teshuva you describe is not teshuva on aveiros. So theoretically one who never sinned could still fulfill teshuva of this type. I think that I heard of such a teshuva being described as the teshuva of rav saadia gaon but I have never seen any source for such a description. However this type of teshuva is referred to in the Chovos Halevovos Shaar Avodas Elokim. However it appears that the gemara in shabbos 56b in describing yoshiahu's teshuva assumes that teshuva is only from aveiros. וצ"ע.

  2. Yes, that was my point. I was alluding to this point which has been discussed on the blog before It is an idea the Alter Rebbe writes in many placers.
