Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Don't Covet

Back in Parshat Yisro, this blog discussed the question of the Even Ezra how can one be held accountable for לא תחמד, how can one control their thoughts?  In this week’s parsha, the Even Ezra focuses on another aspect of this question in his commentary on לא תתאוה.  Here, he focuses on the philosophical aspect of do our thoughts matter, is one punished for a mere thought?  His answer is yes, in his words:  ורבים אמרו: כי אין עון במחשבת בלב, ואין עליו שכר ולא עונש.
ויש עליו ראיות רבות להשיב עליהם ולא אאריך, רק אראה להם לב חורש מחשבות און (משלי ו׳:י״ח), אם ראית הטיבות כי היהד עם לבבך (דברי הימים ב ו׳:ח׳), ולישרים בלבותם (תהלים קכ״ה:ד׳). ומשה אמר בסוף: בפיך ובלבבך לעשותו (דברים ל׳:י״ד). ועיקר כל המצות ליישר הלב, ורובם זכר. והמזיד והשוגג יוכיחו.

In the blogpost there, it was suggested that according to the Rambam the question of the Even Ezra about how can one be punished for thought is a moot point for he holds the lav is only violated through an action.  However, The Rambam (Sefer Hamitzvot #265-266 and Gezelah Ch. 1 Laws 10-12) differentiates between לא תחמוד which he defines as cheppiring another person to sell you their object vs. לא תתואה which is a prohibition on even desiring that which belongs to another individual.  Based upon this, even the Rambam would have to deal with that question regarding לא תתואה.  However, the Smag lav 158 disagrees with Rambam and holds that both lavin apply only when there is an action; in which case the question of the Even Ezra in Yisro doesn’t start.

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