Monday, July 10, 2023

Improper Requests

The Gemarah Taanis (4a)  שמואל בר נחמני אמר רבי יונתן שלשה שאלו שלא כהוגן לשנים השיבוהו כהוגן לאחד השיבוהו שלא כהוגן ואלו הן אליעזר עבד אברהם ושאול בן קיש ויפתח הגלעדי אליעזר עבד אברהם דכתיב (בראשית כד, יד) והיה הנערה אשר אומר אליה הטי נא כדך וגו' יכול אפי' חיגרת אפי' סומא השיבו כהוגן ונזדמנה לו רבקה שאול בן קיש דכתיב (שמואל א יז, כה) והיה האיש אשר יכנו יעשרנו המלך עושר גדול ואת בתו יתן לו יכול אפי' עבד אפילו ממזר השיבו כהוגן ונזדמן לו דוד יפתח הגלעדי דכתיב (שופטים יא, לא) והיה היוצא אשר יצא מדלתי ביתי וגו' יכול אפילו דבר טמא השיבו שלא כהוגן נזדמנה לו בתו

Rav Yitzchak Eizik Chaver says this is alluded to in the possuk in the beginning of the parsha, אִישׁ֩ כִּֽי⁠־יִדֹּ֨ר נֶ֜דֶר לַֽי״י֗ אֽוֹ⁠־הִשָּׁ֤בַע שְׁבֻעָה֙ לֶאְסֹ֤ר אִסָּר֙ עַל⁠־נַפְשׁ֔וֹ לֹ֥א יַחֵ֖ל דְּבָר֑וֹ כְּכׇל⁠־הַיֹּצֵ֥א מִפִּ֖יו יַעֲשֶֽׂה.  The word איש can be ר"ת for the three people, אליעזר, יפתח, שאול the possuk continues לא יחל דברו , their request was granted properly but for 1 of them ככל היוצא מפיו יעשה, the request as is with its implications was followed.  

There are various interpretations as to why is it that Yiftach did not obtain a successful outcome as Eliezer and Shaul.  One interpretation is that what Eliezer and Shaul said was a way of asteraining a shidduch which is not within a person's ability to determine 100% in any case as opposed to Yiftach who was choosing to offer a korban, he should have ascertained that it would be proper.  

Tosfos asks why did the Gemarah not say that Eliezer may have also ended up with a mamzeres or shifcha?  Tosfos gives 2 answers, either that  דגבי אליעזר לא שייך עדיין ממזרת דהא לא נתנה תורה or דגבי אשה לא דייק עלמא אלא ליופי.  The Achronim understand the first answer of Tosfos is following the opinion that the Avos did not keep the entire Torah (at least regarding marital issues.)  However, the language of Tosfos, לא שייך, indicates not that it didn't matter but that mamzers did not exit before the giving of the Torah.  It sounds like mamzeret can only exist if there is a concept of eishus which did not exist before the giving of the Torah (akin to the Briskor Rav that Yaakov could marry 2 sisters for that is an issur that comes from a chalos eishus which didn't exist yet.)  The צ"ע is that the answer of Tosfos is presumably addressing shifcha as well and the concept of shifcha did seem to exist for according to the Midrash that is the reason Yitzchak did not marry the daughter of Eliezer?  The second answer of Tosfos is also a פלא, was the sole concern of the search of Eliezer to find a beautiful woman?  

Rashi at the end of the Gemarah says ובאגדה קא חשיב כלב בהדייהו אשר יכה את קרית ספר ולכדה וגו' ורבי יונתן דלא חשיב ליה דבגמרא פשיט ליה להאי קרא בהלכות שנשתכחו בימי אבלו של משה כדאמרינן בתמורה (דף טז.) ואין לחוש שתשרה רוח הקדש על עבד ועל ממזר כדאמרינן בנדרים (דף לח.) שאין שכינה שורה כו' מפי רבי.  The Maharatz Chayus asks what does Rashi mean,אין לחוש שתשרה רוח הקדש על עבד ועל ממזר, what does this have to do with רוח הקודש, this is פלפול which is learning which anyone can do?  I heard in the name of Rav Moshe Brown that there are three categories of learning.   There are halachot derived from limmudim and severah that anyone can derive on their own.  On the opposite extreme there are halacha למשה מסיני which can't be derived from logic and requires ruach hakodesh which would not be given over to a mamzer or eved.  There is a middle ground as well and that is what the Gemarah is Temurah is discussing where it is a הלכה למשה מסיני which was reinstated from sevarah but that is not an independent sevarah that one would naturally come to on their own but but come from Divine inspiration, a form of ruach hakodesh, as the Rambam Bava Bathra 12 discusses and Rashi is saying that form of ruach hakodesh is not privy to an eved or mamzer either.   

1 comment:

  1. The gemara in Temurah asks why they needed Osniel's pilpul -- why not restore the forgotten halachos through nevuah. Based on what you are saying, you can sharpen the hava amina's kashe -- once you need ruach hakodesh to come up with the pilpul, then why not skip the mental exercise and just rely on ruach hakodesh/nevuah alone.

    You can maybe use you chiluk of different types of halachos to explain why in Meg 3a the gemara allows for "shachachum v'chazru v'yisdum" by some halachos but the gemara in Temurah 16 does not.
