Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Worker And Partner

It was posted in the past that there is a major difference between Avraham and Noach. Avraham made it his practice to teach the ways of Hashem to the world while Noach was not engrossed in teaching people the path to teshuva.  Noach thought it was best to avoid having the actions of those around him rub off on himself while Avraham thought it better to teach others to be like himself.  Why did they have these different attitudes?  And why did Avraham's concern for others extend to praying for them, even wicked people like Sedomites while Noach is criticized in Chazal for not praying for his generation, why did he not Noach not pray for them? 

Rav Pinkus gives a mashal to explain the difference from two different types of people in a business, a partner and a worker.  The partners' bottom line is governed by how successful the business is.  He cares if the business is going in the right direction or not.  The worker doesn't care about the success of the business, he just wants to walk home with a paycheck at the end of the week.  This difference comes to the forefront when there is an emergency such as the building is on fire.  The partner will rush to save the building for that is his investment.  The worker doesn't care about the fire as long as he has a job to return to. 

This was the difference between Noach and Avraham.  Noach was G-d's worker.  He punched in and punched out.  If the world collapses it doesn't matter as long as he gets his check, as long as he is safe.  Avraham was a partner with Hashem.  It mattered to him if Sedom is overturned, if people are worshipping avodah zarah.  He cared about the success of the world, not just his personal success.  He was interested in G-d's business, if the world recognizes Hashem.  Avraham left a yerusha to become a שותף with Hashem, not a mere פועל.  

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