Sunday, November 6, 2022

Gilgul Of Women

 From דברי יעקב on ברכות 

From נפשי בשאלתי by Rav Yaakov Lugassy 

Anybody know anything about gilgul of women? 


  1. Now I do. I also know that one of your uncles remarked that the once obscure idea of gilgulim became a fundamental article of faith (despite R Saadia Gaon's opinion) because of its utility in nichum aveilim for the passing of the innocent. In that particular instance, the departed was a young woman. If I had only known this Maharit Tzahalon and Mishna Berura, I could have shot down the tanchumin even without your uncle's broadside.

    1. I think the spread of kabbalah that accepts gilgul influenced its wide acceptance.
