Friday, November 11, 2022

Innermost Desire

וישא אברהם את עיניו וירא והנה איל אחר נאחז בסבך בקרניו וילך אברהם ויקח את האיל ויעלהו לעלה תחת בנו

Why did the איל Avraham offered as a korban have to be designated on Friday בין השמשות?  Chazal (Pirkey D' Rebbe Eliezer Ch. 30) identifies the horns of the ram as the horn blown at Mattan Torah and the horn of Mashiach.  Why is this ram so important that it is designated to be used for the most important points in history?  

The words אחר seems meaningless, what it does it mean another ram?  Chazal translate the word אחר as in אחרי, afterward; either later in history on Rosh Hashana we should blow the shofar to arose mercy or in the days of the future the horn will be blown to redeem us even though we are stuck in averot.  What does that have to do with the story of Avraham?   .

The nisayon of the Akedah was to prove it Avraham's ultimate passion was for the commandment of Hashem.  The passing of the nisayon established that the pnemious of Avraham was to be attached to Hashem.  His essence, his DNA was connection to Hashem.  He passed that down into the generations that followed.  Therefore, even when our merits can be called not question, when the pitfalls of life may have led us astray, the horn of the ram awakens the pnimious to come out and be worthy of redemption of vindication in judgement.  

This deep inner connection to Hashem was transferred into the ram and that is why it is used for events which are an outgrowth of the connection that Klal Ysirael has.  That is why the ram was created Friday bein hashmashot.  It is the bridge between teva and beyond teva.  The teva is the סיבוך surrounding the ram, the hardships of life.  The מעל לטבע is the pnemious connection that can't be severed. 

Rashi (22:2) cites Chazal say Hashem said to Avraham please pass this test so that people don't say the first one's were nothing.  Why if he failed the akedah are the previous tests meaningless?  Because this test was to see if the pnemious of Avraham, if his ultimate desire, when everything else was on the line was with Hashem or not. 

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