Friday, January 22, 2021

Why Woman Are Higher

Shir Hashirim 5:1 - באתי לגני אחתי כלה.  The midrash - באתי לגני אמר ר' מנחם חתניה דר' אלעזר בר אבונה בשם ר' שמעון בר' יוסנה: באתי לגן אין כתיב כאן, אלא לגני, לגנוני, למקום שהיה עיקרי מתחלה, ועיקר שכינה לא בתחתונים הייתה, הדא הוא דכתיב: (בראשית ג') וישמעו את קול ה' אלוהים מתהלך בגן.  How can the world, מלשון העלם be the place where the עיקר שכינה is?  The possuk says in Yermiyahu (31:21) נקבה תסובב גבר.  According to the Kabbalists, this means that in the future malchut,  represented by נקבה will be higher than ז"א represented by גבר (see Alter Rebbe derushay chatuna.)  Why will malchut be higher? 

The גבר is the משפיע and the נקבה is the מקבל of the השפעה.  In other words, the גבר represents the אור and the נקבה is the כלי to contain the אור.  This is reflecting in men being associated with חכמה which is the light bulb that goes off in the head and women are associated with בינה, the explanation and containment of the idea.  Halacha is the kli in which we are able to touch the Infinite Wisdom in this world.  that is why a kallah, הכלה has the same letters as the word halacha, הלכה because they serve similar functions.  The kallah provides the kli to contain the or of the man and halacha is the kli to contain the Infinite Wisdom and make it accessible to humans.  

The greater they are are, the more they fall.  The Godliness imbued in the kli is greater than that of the or itself.  In the current state of affairs, where the or of the kli is hidden, then the or is greater.  In the future ,the kli will be greater.  That is why malchut will be higher than ז"א.  The נקבה will be greater than גבר.  That is when the העלם of the world will be removed and the kli that is the world will be revealed as being עיקר שכינה.

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