Chazal say (see Rashi Yithro (18:9)) that no one was able to escape from Egypt. The Or Gedalyahu cites from the Ishbitzer that it wasn't just the security system and large walls that keep people in Egypt, it was the propaganda that they were living in Paradise. While for many this will ring a bell with the message of the Soviet Union, which is true of course, it also can take form in more "minor" forms. The very fact that I walk peacefully in the street and am yelled at by old people, wearing yarmulkes of course, to wear a mask is part of the stupid propaganda they have swallowed hook, line and sinker. I will end the rant here and just add what is a true fact, a maamer chazal. Bava Bathra (8a) Rebbe says אין פורענות בא לעולם אלא בשביל עמי הארץ.
Now I will resume my rant. Of course, everyone on the sides "of the debate" has their own proofs lined up leading from statements of Chazal to doctors' studies. They are removing people's right to breathe in order to protect others etc. All the garbage that they spew. However, the contradictions, picking and choosing when to be careful, the complete disregard for another person's feelings display what these "tzaddikim" really are, animals spewing propaganda!
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