Wednesday, January 13, 2021

From 4 to 5

A few thoughts which I don't know if they are even close to being right. There are 5 terminologies of geulah, yet we only drink four cups of wine on Pesach, why?  

The Sifsay Tzaddik says the 4 terminologies of geulah correspond to the 4 levels of the soul, נפש, רוח, נשמה, חיה.  Even if multiple levels of the soul were shoved down into golut, it was still taken out out the golut.  But there are 5 levels to the soul, so there should have been 5 levels? 

The Maharal Derech Chayim (5:1) says that the world was composed with a ה because the number 4 is the spreading of the world  into the 4 dimensions and the additional י  that makes up the foot is  the ruchnious in this world (עוה"ב was created with a י.)  The golut in Egypt had all of the 4 goliot bundled into it.   Each one of the 4 galiot corresponds to an attack on a different level of the neshama.  The neshema gets suken further into the golut.  If so, how is there redemption?  Because the fifth level of the neshama, the יחידה is able to shine forth.  It is by awakening the יחידה that the dust gathered through the long years of the exile can be shaken off.  This is what 10 maakot in Egypt came to do.  The 10 maakos came to restore the spiritual foot into this world that had slowly been losing the foot into the ד of the העלם of this world.  The completion of the 'ה relit the יחידה of the soul. 

Although this accorded in the geulah from Egypt, it did not have a lsting effect and hence we went into further galiot and only celebrate 4 leshonot of geulah.  The fifth terminology will ultimately only be fulfilled in its fully sense in the ultimate geulah.

1 comment:

  1. I also don't know but theorising.
    Could be the 5th level of soul is yechida, which comes from yachid, personal. Maybe the 4 geulos are klali but ultimately a person needs allow Geula to actually redeem him personally.
