Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Connected To The Previous Generations

The sefer starts ואלה שמות, the vov means it is a continuation from beforehand, what is the continuation?  

The Sforno says (1:7) פרו וישרצו – ואחר שמתו כל שבעים נפש נטו לדרכי שרצים, שרצים לבאר שחת.  The Sforno is pointing out that the start of the golus was when there was a disconnect from the previous generation, when the leaders passed on and there was no one to carry on the torch from the alte haim, that is when the golus started.  The physical hardship is an outgrowth of the spiritual weakening.  From the problem, we can derive the solution.  By remaining connected to the previous generations, by treading in the worn paths of the avos, then there is no problem of golus.  That is the vov, the continuation.  It is by being connected to the parshios of the avos, the previous sefer, that we can stay above the golus.  (Based upon Alexender Rebbe and Rav Chayim Kamil.)  It is also noteworthy that the slavery began with a מלך חדש.  It was the change from the previous regime that brought about the evils of slavery.  It was the deviation from the events until then that brought evil, ודו"ק. 

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