Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Taddir Kodam

The Mishna at the beginning of the 10th chapter of Zevachim learns a rule that תדיר ושאינו תדיר תדיר קודם from מלבד עולת הבקר אשר לעולת התמיד תעשו את אלה which teaches us the tammid precedes the mussaf offerings.  Tosfos asks תימה דבפרק תמיד נשחט (פסחים דף נח:) אמרינן מנין שלא יהא דבר קודם לתמיד שנאמר העולה עולה ראשונה ל"ל תיפוק לי מהכא, why do we need this limmud if we have another limmud that teaches us the korban tammid must come first?  The Chazon Eish Menachot (33:10) explains that  there are two distinct dinim.  The Mishna in Zevachim is learning out a din that the tammid comes first because it is taddir.  The Gemorah in Pesachim learns another din that the tammid must be the first offering of the day.  The Rambam Temmidim Umussafin (9:3) says if one shechted the korban that is not taddir before the taddir korban the offering that is not taddir is completed first and only after is the taddir korban offered.  The C.E. says that is true regarding the regular din of taddir kodam but if one shechted a korban before the tammid the tammid would still be offered first.  This is indicated by the terminology of the Rambam in Temmidim Umussafin (1:3) he says שאסור להקריב קרבן כלל קודם תמיד של שחרas opposed to in 9:2 in addressing the din of taddir he says וכיצד סדר הקרבתן.  The din of tammid is a din that the tammid must come first but the din of taddir kodam tells us just the proper order to place the offerings.  This may also be a נ"מ when two korbanot are offered at the same time.  The din of taddir kodam just means something not taddir can't come first but offerings at the same time would be valid but  the tammid must come before all other korbanot (see Mikdash Dovid 9:1.)

Rashi (28:10) says על עולת התמיד – אילו נוספים, לבד אותן שני כבשים של עולת התמיד. ומגיד שאין קריבין אלא בין שני תמידין, וכן בכל המוספין נאמר: על עלת התמיד (במדבר כ״ח:ט״ו,כ״ד, ועוד) לתלמוד זה.  The Mishne L'melech Temmidin Umussafin (1:3) asks why does Rashi need this limmid when we know it from the principle of taddir? In light of this C.E. we can say that Rashi is learning from here not the din that taddir kodam but a dinthat the mussafin have to be bookended by the two korbanot tammid.  (The problem is that Rashi in Tzav (6:5) brings the derasha of העולה עולה ראשונה so we already know the halacha of the tammid being first from there but it is also interesting he never cites the halacha of taddir kodam?) 

The Toras Zeav siman 37 brings a question how is it possible to violate the halacha of taddir kodam and for example bring a mussaf before the tammid, they are both olot so automatically the first korban should become the tammid? He gives a few answers.  One answer is that the korbasn has to be offered for intent of the mussaf or tammid because of the din the mitzvot need kavanah. The Rambam in Sefer Hamitzvot #41 about the mussaf of Shabbos says הציווי שנצטווינו להקריב קורבן בכל יום שבת נוסף על תמיד של כל יום - וזהו מוסף שבת, והוא אמרו יתעלה: "וביום השבת שני כבשים" (במדבר כח, ט).  Why does he need to say וזהו מוסף שבת?  (He says the same thing by other mussafin.)  The Or Avrohom wants to say that the Rambam is alluding to this idea that one needs to have intent for the korban that it is is being offered for.  (In some editions those words do not appear in the Rambam e.g. Sefaria  does not have those words.)

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