Thursday, May 20, 2021

Small Deeds Big Heart

 The Gemorah in Berachot (20a) says דרש רב עוירא זמנין אמר לה משמיה דר' אמי וזמנין אמר לה משמיה דר' אסי אמרו מלאכי השרת לפני הקב"ה רבש"ע כתוב בתורתך (דברים י, יז) אשר לא ישא פנים ולא יקח שחד והלא אתה נושא פנים לישראל דכתיב (במדבר ו, כו) ישא ה' פניו אליך אמר להם וכי לא אשא פנים לישראל שכתבתי להם בתורה (דברים ח, י) ואכלת ושבעת וברכת את ה' אלהיך והם מדקדקים [על] עצמם עד כזית ועד כביצה.  What does the fact that we say birchat hamazon on a minimal amount have to do with G-d giving us special favor?  And if its just because we go above and beyond the regular rules, pick any rabbinic enactment, why specifically this one?  And how is it an answer to the contradiction? 

Rav Simcha Bunim explains: 

The Sfas Emes (5631) gives a different interpretation to this vort from Rav Simcha Bunim.

The Arizal teaches כי על כל מוציא פי ה יחיה האדם that it is the nitzutz elokus in the food that gives a person satiation.  When we recognize that it is not the food that satiates us rather the G-dliness then one can say birchat hamazon on a morsel of food.  By focusing on the ruchni part of the food, we show that we are not focused on the small, insignificant, gashmi part of the food but we appreciate all that Hashem gives us.  In the same vein, Hashem looks at our small actions as being significant as well.  What is important is not measured by the only relative small amounts of deeds one may have amassed but instead on the fact that a person desires to come close to Hashem.  It is not that we are favored but are deeds are measured by the size of our heart.


  1. Where can I find that RSB ZYA?

    1. In his sefer kol simcha. you can find it on hebrebooks that is where the screenshot is from.
