Sunday, November 11, 2018

Toras Hagalus V'Geulah

Rashi says before trekking to Charan, Yaakov spent 14 years learning in Yeshivos Shem V'Ever.  Why did Yaakov take time off before fulfilling his parent's command to leave?  Yaakov already spent his whole life learning from his father and grandfather, it wasn't like his was insisting to first spend some years in yeshiva before going to college?  It is well known the idea of Rav Yaakov Kamenetsky that the Avos knew that the years of golus would start from Yaakov and he had to be prepared for it.  The Torah of the Avos was Torah of Eretz Yisroel, Torah when conditions of world Jewry are proper.  Shem V'Ever lived through the Mabul and Dor Haplageh, they knew the Toras hagalus, how to live when the world is anti-God.  Yaakov's learning by Shem V'Ever wasn't a delay in fulfilling the command of his parents, it was part of it.  Without being prepared for golus, Yaakov couldn't embark on his journey.   There is a Rabbi with some interesting views that believes now that we have the State of Israel we must stop with the Torah of golus and start learning the Torah of Geulah.  Of course the question is, what is the Torah of geulah?

1 comment:

  1. בן תמותה הוא . A real Rabbi doesn't advertise radical ideas to the עמי הארץ in youtube video's. They fight it out in the בית מדרש with the תלמידי חכמים. ועיין מש"כ מרן זצ"ל בחזון עובדיה וביחוה דעת בענין אמירת נחם בזמן הזה, שיש עוד קצת ענין של גלות בזמן הזה. וכן כתב ביביע אומר חלק ו' בענין אמירת הלל ביום העצמאות מפני שעדיין אין הגאולה שלימה.
