Monday, November 26, 2018

Chassidishe prayer

The Tzemech Tzedek in a letter about the printing of Torah Or (maamarim of the Alter Rebbe on Berashis and Shemos) writes that the maamamarim explain the avodah of tefillah (it’s also hinted by what he writes on the first page that the maamarim explain avodas Hashem which means tefillah).  This means that the point of the maamari chassidus is to explain davening.  I would suggest the emphasis on tefillah is since it is a time where one is מבטל- negates himself before Hashem.  The point of Chassidus is to demonstrate how the world is batal to Hashem.  The mishna in Sanhedrin(37a) says a person is called a world.  The great emphasis placed on prayer in the world of Chassidus is in order to accomplish  bittul of the world in a miniature form.  It may be that the point of bittul in the world is truly just to lead to bittul of the self (see maamer of the Rebbe 19 Kislev 5784.)  May we be inspired to try to understand a little bit of the depths of davening.

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