Thursday, November 22, 2018


This week's parsha (35:5) says ויהי חתת אלקים, the Tzemech Tzedek said he saw in a dream this is a hint to learn daily Chumash=ח, Tehillim=ת, and Tanya=ת.  Of course its always great to start keeping this practice.  Chumash is to be learnt an aliyah a day. Tehillim to finish monthly and Tanyeh according to the divisions allocated by the Freidiker Rebbe.  All you do is add it to your daily learning of Bavli, Yerushalmi, Tosefta, Mechilta, Midrash, Rambam and whatever else you have a daily shiur in.  The new cycle of Tanya will start on 19 Kislev.  If you want shiurim from non-Chabadnik's see here.  From Chabadnik's in Hebrew and Yiddish see here.  In English see here or here

1 comment:

  1. If you know of someone giving shiur in yerushalmi tosefta mechilta medrash and rambam daily please let me know maybe i would join one
