Thursday, December 5, 2019

The Vav Before Yaakov

We say in Shemone Esrei אלקי אברהם אלקי יצחק ואלקי יעקב.  I'm not sure if the following question is a valid question or is just a grammatical rule but the truth or lack there of in a question doesn't change the vort.  Why is a 'ו added before Yaakov's name.  The same thing occurs in the words following, הגדול הגבור והנוראו, where a 'ו is only added before the last word.  Many say that those three words correspond to the three Avos; again the 'ו is added to Yaakov's middah.  Why does Yaakov get the additional 'ו? 

The word vav as seen in its shaped as a hook represents the connection between heaven and earth.  Its the representation of the ladder connecting these two worlds.  As mentioned in this post, the three Avos correspond to the three Battei Mikdash.  Avrohom is chesed, a heavenly השפאה that corresponds to the first Beis Hamikdash.  The second one didn't have the same heavenly miracles, it was "earned" from below, corresponding to Yizchak, gevurah.  It is the third Beis Hamikdash that will be the connection of both of these powers, which is Yaakov, tiferet.  (See more about this here and in Machsavas Hachassidus by Rav Yoel Kahn Ch. 7-10.)  That's why it is Yaakov that gets a vav before his name and attribute in Shemone Esrei for it is he that connects the strings of heavens and earth together.  [It is of course noteworthy that Yaakov takes a vav to guarantee the final redemption as Rashi Bechukosai 26:42 says.  Yaakov guarantees that the attachment between heaven and earth shall never be broken; hence he takes a vav.]  This may be the intent of the Alter Rebbe in Torah Or Beshalach סב. where he says: ולכן כתיב הגדול הגבור והנורא שלהיות בחי׳ נורא צ״ל תחלה וי״ו הוא בחי׳ המשכה מלמעלה למטה להיות בחי׳ נורא.

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