Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Directions II

A few weeks ago this blog posted a question as to why the directions mentioned to Avrohom and Yaakov are switched when they are promised the land.  I would like to like a add a third set of directions, different from the other two.  When Moshe is instructed to view Eretz Yisroel, Hashem tells him: (Vaeschanan 3:27) עֲלֵ֣ה  רֹ֣אשׁ הַפִּסְגָּ֗ה וְשָׂ֥א עֵינֶ֛יךָ יָ֧מָּה וְצָפֹ֛נָה וְתֵימָ֥נָה וּמִזְרָ֖חָה.  Why is this order different from the other two?

There is a more basic question to add which is that the general rule is that we turn to the right, so why are the directions given to Yaakov said in that order?  The Rebbe explains The rule of כל פימות שאתה פומה לא יהיה אלא דרך ימין applies when one follows the normal order.  However when it comes to ופרצת, that is beyond the regular order, there are no boundaries left.  In that case the rule of going to the right isn't followed. Therefore it starts in the right where the sun sets, when things are dark.  From there one travels קדמה, to Hashem Who is called קדמונו של עולם.  The next directions reflect the person changing a בעל תשובה to a צדיק.  The Baal Teshuva must distance himself completely from any temptation of averah, that is צפון, which the Kabbalists say represents gevurot.  Then he transfers to a tzaddik and becomes נגבה which the Kabbilists say represents chesed. (Toras Menachem volume 37 pg. 149-152.)  However, that may be all well and dandy regarding Yaakov but why do the other directions not go right either?  I am still sitting in the dark and need directions in these matters.

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