Monday, October 14, 2024

The Sukkah Of The Tongues

 דרשות נחלת דוד ח"ב סימן י

Wy the sin of lashan harah being fixed by the sukkah?  Why is it this averah specifically which sukkah comes to fix?  What does this have to do with the final geulah?  

The Gemarah Avodah Zarah (3a) says Hashem will give the gentiles one more chance to get things right since they missed out on כפה עליהם הר כגיגית and he will offer them the mitzvah of sukkah but they kick the sukkah due to the heat and leave.  Why is sukkah the mitzvah picked to be in place of the כפה הר כגיגית?  The holiday of Sukkot is to commemorate the ענני הכבוד.  The ענני הכבוד came in the merit of Ahron who is the embodiment of אוהב שלום ורודף שלום.  The sukkah brings everyone together under the same mitzvah.  סוכת שלומך, the sukkah unites people under the same roof.  כל ישראל ראוים לישב בסוכה אחת (Sukkah 27a,) it brings about unity and piece.  That was the experience at Mattan Torah of כאיש אחד בלב אחד.  The gentiles complained that Hashem never put the barrel over their head, they get the same mitzvah version of that which is sukkah.  

The last galus is that of עשו.  The power of Esav is כי ציד בפיו, the power of the mouth. Rashi Shemos (2:14) says that the extent of the golus of Egypt was due to lashon harah.  So too the length of the last golus it due to lashon harah.  Hence, the fix for that is the middah of Aharon, the antithesis to lashon harah which is experienced via the sukkah.  

The Maharal (Netzach ch. 54) notes, any time there is a revelation of the Shechina it comes enclothed in the ענני הכבוד for this middah of bringing together different forces is also what allows Hashem to connect to Klal Yisrael.  As the Maharal notes (Nesiv Halashon Ch. 6) the power of speech is the combination of the spiritual and physical forces of man, the רוח ממלא coming through the physical mouth.  That is why the revelation of the geulah, the physical binding with the spiritual, is held up by man's own failure in his own speech.  

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