Thursday, August 1, 2024

Different Mice

The Gemarah Avodah Zarah (68b) says ההוא עכברא דנפל לחביתא דשיכרא אסריה רב לההוא שיכרא אמרוה רבנן קמיה דרב ששת נימא קסבר נט"ל אסור ... מתקיף לה רב שימי מנהרדעא ומי מאיס והלא עולה על שלחן של מלכים אמר רב שימי מנהרדעא לא קשיא הא בדדברא הא בדמתא.  The Gemarah says (Sefaria translation) "Rav Shimi of Neharde’a objects to the assumption that a mouse is repulsive: And is it repulsive? But isn’t it served at the table of kings and considered a delicacy? Rav Shimi of Neharde’a said in clarification: This is not difficult. This statement, that a mouse is served as a delicacy, is stated with regard to a field mouse, and that statement, that it is repulsive, is stated with regard to a city mouse."  Rashi says עכבר דדברא - אשקור"ל בלע"ז which seems to mean a עכבר דדברא which is eaten is a squirrel. However, it seems funny to be that it bears the same same as a mouse, a עכבר.  In light of an article on highlighting the Roman custom to eat dormice mice I tend to think that is what Rashi and the Gemarah is referring to.  The Gemarah is differentiating between a house mouse which is not eaten and is disgusting and the dormice mouse which has a somewhat bushy tail like a squirrel and was eaten as a delicacy in ancient Rome.  

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