Thursday, November 2, 2023

Bring Out The Potential

The meforshim (see Or HaChayim) ask why does it say 'וירא אליו ה and not וירא ה' אליו which is the normal formulation of the possuk (as earlier 12:7, 17:1?)  Furthermore, asks the O.H., what was said to Abraham in this revelation?  

Rav Tzaddok (Pri Tzaddik Noach #6) says ל שורש קלקול הנחש שהיה בפגם זה שהטיל זוהמא בחוה (כמו"ש שבת קמו.) ומזה נדבקה הזוהמא גם באדה"ר ועל ידי כן נעשה משוך בערלתו (כמו שנאמר סנהדרין לח:) והיינו שבודאי נברא מהול. ועל ידי הקלקול נעשה משוך בערלתו  Rav Tzaddok understands when Chazal say that Adam was משוך his ערלה it means that Adam was born with a milah but through the sin a tumah was brought in the world and his milah was covered up.  In other words, the arlah is a reflection of the tumah that man himself brought into the world.

The Sfas Emes (5632) says that when one does a bris milah it allows for one to access the kedusha that exists within an individual which is covered over by the ערלה.  As Rashi Kedoshim (19:23) says the word ערלה means closed up and contained.  The kedusha of the individual already is there in potential and the milah allows for one to access it.  In his words, בכל דבר יש נקודה חיות מהשי"ת ורק שצריכין להסיר הקליפה והחיצוניות שנקרא ערלה דחפיא ברית ובהוסר הערלה ממילא מתגלה הנקודה כנ"ל.  The milah serves as a means of fixing the sin of Adam to a certain degree and when that is fixed, one is able to access the kedusha implanted inside a person.  With this idea the Sfas Emes explains our possuk, וזה וירא אליו שנתגלה לו הפנימיות שהי' בעצמותו נסתר ונכסה קודם המילה.  The Sfas Emes reads וירא אליו as in Hashem appeared to Avraham through his actions, אליו is like מאליו , through his milah, it was revealed to Avraham the presence of Hashem.  Hashem didn't appear to Avraham to give him a prophesy, rather Avraham reached a greater recognition and understanding of Hashem's presence in his life.

It is also pointed out by many that the possuk says וירא אליו and it does not say Hashem appeared to Avraham.  The Meor Einayim says this is because this possuk is a lesson for everyone.  Hashem appears to everyone in the form of at times a person will feel an awakening out of nowhere to come close to Hashem.  That idea is placed within a person's head from Hashem, that it the וירא אליו.  That is the form in which Hashem appears to everyone.  The M.E. reads this into the continuation of the possuk as well בפחת האהל כחום היום means that this pesach, this opening of warmth, of closeness one feels it is up to a person to take it in and do something with it.   

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