Wednesday, March 1, 2023

The Here And Now

There is a Midrash cited in various sefarim that אחשורוש is a reference to Hashem שאחרית וראשית שלו.  Why is this the description of Hashem alluded to here?
אשר קרך בדרך- Amalek says things are just מקרה.  What is the nature of claiming things are a mere chance?  When one doesn't see the full picture; one doesn't see the puzzle pieces fitting together.  If one has a freezeframe at a particular moment then it may be a chance but one sees the end of the story, it is obvious that there is an Orchestrator.  In other words, עמלק is stuck at looking only at the here and now, they don't see everything coming together.    

The Rambam Sefer Hamitzvot #188 says היא שצונו להכרית זרע עמלק בלבד משאר זרע עשו.  Why is Amalek associated with Esav in the formulation of killing them?  The Rambam is telling us that Amalek is the epitome of the Esav ideology.  Esav sold his בכורה for a bit of food because he looked only at the current situation in which he was hungry and did not care about the repercussions.  

When Hashem is instructing Moshe to tell Bnei Yisrael they will be redeemed, one of the miracles that is done is Moshe's staff turns into a snake and Moshe ran away.  Then he is instructed to grab onto its tail and it reverts back to a staff.  The Rikanti says the snake represents the forces of tumah.  The way that it is defeated is by grabbing the end.  To recognize that there is an end to the story, not to get stuck in the present state.  

There is a Midrash cited in many seforim that says the word אחשורוש at the beginning of the Megillah is hinting to Hashem שאחרית וראשית שלו.  Why is that the term used to reference Hashem?  And why at the beginning of the Megillah and why אחרית before ראשית?   

The essence of defeating Amlaek or Haman is the ability to connect the whole story.  To recognize that a ראשית has an אחרית.  Even at the beginning of the Megillah, way before the end of the story, the end is already set into motion even though it is not apparent yet.  It is only at the end of the Megilllah, at the stage of אחרית that one can appreciate that the ראשית is also שלו.  

Bilam says about Amalek, ראשית גוים עמלק ואחריתו עדי אבד.  The essence of Amalek is ראשית, the beginning but there is no end, אחריתו עדי אבד.  The Kabbalists point out the first letters of the words ראשית גוים עמלק spell out the word רגע.  They only see the present moment.  They grab onto the רגע of זעם that exists every day (Berachot 7a) at the time the טבע of the sun is worshipped.  Amalek holds on to the טבע as an explanation of events.  ואחרי ככלות הכל לבדו ימלוך נורא.

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