Tuesday, March 28, 2023


A few interesting tidbits.

Chizkuni (Bo 12:3) says it is called Shabbat Hagaol because it was the first mitzvot that Klal Yisrael were commanded.  What does that have to do with gadol? 

The Haggadah Maseas Hamelech cites in the name of a kadmon (he doesn't specify the source,) that it is called Shabbat Hagadol because the law of tosefes Shabbat was commanded that Shabbat (see his explanation why then.)  According to this interpretation, presumably it is called Shabbat Hagadol because the Shabbat is actually longer.  (According to this peshat it has nothing to do with 10 Nissan.)

Rabbenu Manoach Caametz Umatzah (5:26) asks why is there no beracha on hagaat kelim for Pesach.  What is his question, it is just a koshering process to remove the issur, why is it different from any time one needs to kasher a vessel that became treif? 

The Haggadah Pesach Dorot (by a kadmon) says that the din of ד' כוסות is a takannah of Moshe Rabbenu.


  1. Difference between a katan and a gadol is that a gadol is chayav in mitzvos. I think that's what Chizkuni means -- first mitzvah made us into gedolim.

    >>> What is his question, it is just a koshering process to remove the issur, why is it different from any time one needs to kasher a vessel that became treif?

    Not exactly the same because by chameitz it's heteira bala.

    1. Not exactly the same because by chameitz it's heteira bala - true but what difference does it make, it is a process of koshering a kli, unless that makes it akin to tevilas kelim?
