Monday, March 6, 2023

Layers Of Clothes

The Gemarah Megillah (16a-b) says that Yosef gave Binyamin 5 garments as a hint to his descendant Mordechai who would wear 5 garments, ומרדכי יצא מלפני המלך בלבוש מלכות תכלת וחור ועטרת זהב גדולה ותכריך בוץ וארגמן.  What is the connection between Yosef and giving Binyanim garments to Mordechai?  A person is reflected through the clothes that they wear.  Different situations have different moods, comfort level and significance and that is reflected through the garments one wears.  One has a levush they wear on a regular day, a levush on Shabas, a levush for exercising, etc.  These reflect different the different ways one wishes to portray themselves depending on the time and place.  It is the same thing in a spiritual realm as well. Different times call for different levushim. Yosef is the brother who survives and flourishes in the state of golus.  He was giving to Binyamin the secret which spiritual garments one must wear to succeed in golus so that Mordechai would be able to nullify the decree of Haman (Sfas Emes Vayigash 5639.)  [Maybe when Dovid cut the corner of Shaul's garment it was to symbolize that he wasn't wearing the proper garments for a king of his stature.]

What is the significance of 5 garments specifically?  There are five levels to the soul but the essence of the soul is above these 5 levels.  The five garments represent that it is ultimately something greater than the garments which the salvation of Bnei Yisrael will come.  

Yaakov has to dress up like Esav in order to "steal" the berachot from Yitzchak?  Why did Hashem orchestrate it that he act in this manner?  The chassideshe seforim explain that the point of the beracha is that even when Yaakov looks like Esav, in the future generations when at times it may be hard to distinguish between Jew and non-Jew, still Yaakov is chosen.  

This is the message of the two goats of Yom Kippur that look the same but still one is pushed off a cliff and one is offered as a korban.  Outwardly they look the same, but Hashem looks at the essence and sees the difference.  That is why it is a lottery that is used to determine the difference.  a lottery has no human intervention to alter the result, it comes purely from Above.  Haman, a descendent of Amalek used a lottery to pick a date because he was trying to tap into the power of Amalek that say everything is mere luck but the Megillah says הוא הגורל, it is not merely a translation for then what is the ה- הגורל but the Megillah is telling us it was tied to the גורל which Hashem uses to choose Bnei Yisrael because under all the לבושים Bnei Yisrael remain attached to Hashem (Rav Tzaddok Shushan Purim #2.) 

The Cheshek Shlomo at the beginning of Mashecet Megillah says that the word מגילה appears 5 times in the Megillah alluding to the five days the Megillah can be read on from 11 Adat to 15 Adat.  In addition, the word is מלא two times alluding to the real days of Purim and the other three times it is חסר alluding to the additional days.  In light of the above idea we can say the חסר spellings of Purim represent the 3 lower levels of the neshama.  The two מלא spellings represent the 2 higher realms of the nefesh which remain whole.  But it is beyond the all the levushim where one reaches the essence of the soul which is untainted.  

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