Thursday, June 30, 2022

How Do They Know



  1. On the first point, isn't this the Raavad's "sod Hashem l'yereiav" and he says ruach hakodesh was in the beis medrash?

  2. received via email:
    That which he quotes about avraham knowing all of the mitzvos on his own from r. yechiel, the rashba also says like this in tshuvos א:צד. However the רמב"ן על התורה בראשית כו:ה says that knew it ברוח הקודש (I assume he means some form of נבואה) and the אור החיים בראשית מט:ג-ד says that he had a tradition from adam harishon (who knew it through nevuah). I seems this machlokess about how chazal knew has its parallel in the rishonim and achronim about how avraham knew. Also I don't think that this "third approach" he brings from r. yechiel is really a third approach. He means like the chazon ish, that even though it does not seem like a svara to us to them with their great and inspired intellect it was a svara. thats what r. yechiel means. The fact that it was not revealed to moshe does not mean that it was a later revelation, just that to moshe not all of the details were revealed, see rambam intro to mishnayos, gur aryeh סוף פרשת אמור בענין המקלל, maharatz chiyus brachos daf 5, all of them say that moshe was given klalim to derive all of the pratim but not all pratim were given explicitly.
