Thursday, April 7, 2022

It Follows

Why is the tumah of the metzorah stated in Tazria but the tahara of the metzorah is described in the next parsha, Metzorah?  Why is the parsha of negaim on a house put after the taharah process of the metzorah?  

Rashi (14:34) says that the negaim on the houses is a positive for it allowed for Klal Yisroel to find the treasures hidden in the walls by the previous owners.  This would indicate that negaim are a positive but on the other hand Chazal say that negaim only come as a punishment for averot one has done?   

The metzorah himself is in a despondent state.  Being afflicted with the nage, in a state of tumah, having to distance one's self from the main camp is an experience which most would rather do without.  When one is stuck in such a state, one can not see the taharah process.  When one is stuck they can't see how there will be a way out of the hardship.  The taharah process in not evedent.  Therefore, the taharah process is placed in a separate parsha.  It is only after doing teshuvah that one can see how the nega set one on the path of teshuva.  It is only when one is able to take a more distance look at the nega, as in when it is one the house, when the person himself in not suffering as directly, that one can understand that that the tumah will help find the treasure underneath.  The tumah will lead to one mending their ways to a brighter future.  The parsha of the tumah leads directly into the taharah.  Here, the taharah process of the house follows directly from the tumah (based upon Likutay Sichot volume 27 sicha 2.)

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