Wednesday, July 22, 2020

70 Languages

  בעבר הירדן בארץ מואב הואיל משה באר את התורה הזאת לאמר: רש"י -   "באר את התורה" - בשבעים לשון פירשה להם

Why did Moshe write the Torah in 70 languages if everyone understood lashon hakodesh, and if someone didn't understand , then he should have explained it in the other languages earlier?
Many of the Chassidic books explain (see Kedushas Levi, Ohav Yisroel on Chodesh Shevat, Sfas Emes 5631) that Moshe gave the power to elevate us even where we are stuck in golus, under the rule of strange languages.  The idea (according to my understanding,) is that the language of a nation reflects the unique quality of the nation.  There are 70 languages that correspond to the 70 nations that correspond to all the middot and their extensions (7*10=70.)  Each one of those traits has a holiness in it that is hijacked by the gentile nation that embodies it.  It is through learning Torah in that language that enables the kedusha to be sucked out.   Moshe explained the Torah in all the languages to ensure that through the various exiles, we will always be able to tap into the kesusha that is embedded into that nation and not fall into the deviled ways of the nations.  

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