Friday, December 22, 2023

Upset From Golus

G-d tells Yaakov אַל⁠־תִּירָא֙ מֵרְדָ֣ה מִצְרַ֔יְמָה כִּֽי⁠־לְג֥וֹי גָּד֖וֹל אֲשִֽׂימְךָ֥ שָֽׁם.  Rashi says  לפי שהיה מיצר על שניזקק לצאת לחוצה לארץ.  Why is Yaakov bothered about leaving Eretz Yisrael more than earlier in his life when he left without worry?  Because at this point when the shevatim and their descendants are already in the world, the nation of Yaakov is being established and the most apropos place for that to happen would be in E.Y.  Therefore, Hashem tells him that no, in Mitzraim, they will become a great nation.  However, Rashi doesn't say Yaakov was afraid of leaving E.Y. but that he was מיצר, upset and distressed, so how does G-d's answer appease Yaakov, he wasn't afraid because he knows Hashem is with him but he is still upset that he has to leave?  The answer is hinted to in Rashi.  Hashem tells Yaakov don't be afraid לפי שהיה מיצר, the word לפי in because, the reason not to be afraid is since you are upset.  The Jew has to live in golus with mixed emotions.  One is not to be afraid of the golus as we know Hashem is guiding us to the finish line but on the other hand that doesn't mean one should be content with the golus, one must be upset about and want its end.  The very fact that one is upset and not content with being in golus will ensure that there is nothing to be afraid of from the golus, it will not detract from the one being on the correct path (from Likutay Sichos volume 30, sicha 3.)  

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