Monday, December 11, 2023

A New Form Of Malchus

Why is the Chanukas Habais in the middle of the second Beis Hamikdash celebrated but there is no celebration for the chanukah of the first Mikdash?  

חנוכה may be read as חנוך ה, the chinuch of ה.  What does this mean?  The letter ה as detailed by the Alter Rebbe appears twice in the name of Hashem.  The first one alludes to the emanation of בינה and the second one refers to the emanation of מלכות.  (The two are interconnected as both are an expansion of the preceding sefirot.)  In Patach Eliyahuit says מלכות תורה שבעל פה קרינן לה.  Malchus is connected to תורה שבעל פה (dibbur is a way of communicating with others akin to malchus which serves to distribute the light of the sefirot.)    

Yosef tells the people of Egypt  הא לכם זרע which the Arizal teaches hints to the fact that Yosef was trying to introduce kedusha into Egypt.  He was trying to manifest the ה, the malchus of Hashem to be present in Egypt.  This maybe hinted to when Yosef tells Pharoh (in this week's parsha,) וחמש את ארץ מצרים, the חמש, the letter ה, by recognizing Hashem , it will be the antidote to the years of famine (as seeen from the act that when Yaakov was in Egypt the famine stopped.)    

The Beis Sheni was missing 5 things (Yoma 21b.)  Why specifically 5 things?  It alludes to the fact that the malchus of Hashem was incomplete during the time of the second Mikdash.  The Mikdash was built and continued under the authority of a foreign ruler.  It did not represent a entirely distinct, free nation under its own autonomy.  What was to ensure that the malchus of Hashem would continue in the Diaspora?  The תורה שבעל פה.  The malchus of Hashem, ever-present in the first Mikdash would not continue and would transform into the pilpul of Torah until it can be revealed in an open form again.  It is this form of a new dimension of the malchus of Hashem which is the chinuch of Klal Yisrael for the future Mikdash.  We celebrate the chanukah of the second Mikdash during Chanukah because it was at this time that the miracle of the light of the menorah was a beacon of light to signal this new approach of תורה שבעל פה being used to keep us going until the third Mikdash will be built.  It is a holiday of chinuch, of teaching, of internalizing what will ensure the continuum of Klal Yisrael to be ready for the third Mikdash, may it be rebuilt soon.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It's not chanukas ha'bayis per se that we are celebrating, but it's the accompanying nes of pach ha'shemen and the military victory.
