Thursday, September 8, 2022

It Remains Within You

The Gemarah Sotah (3b)  ואמר רב חסדא בתחילה קודם שחטאו ישראל היתה שכינה שורה עם כל אחד ואחד שנאמר {דברים כ״ג:ט״ו} כי ה׳ אלהיך מתהלך בקרב מחניך כיון שחטאו נסתלקה שכינה מהם שנאמר {דברים כ״ג:ט״ו} ולא יראה בך ערות דבר ושב מאחריך.  What does the Gemarah mean that half the possuk is before Yisrael sinned, the entire possuk is written after we sinned?  The Gerrer Rebbes explain that even after one sins the Shechina never totally departs from a person and it is that nekudah of being attached that allows one to come back to the stage before the sin. The Emrei Emes adds that it what the Gemarah means (Rosh Hashana 17b)  ה' ה' אני הוא קודם שיחטא האדם ואני הוא לאחר שיחטא האדם ויעשה תשובה.  Obviously Hashme doesn't change with a person's sins, what is the Gemarah telling us?  The Gemarah is saying the strength that one has to do teshuva stems from the fact that Hashem remains with a person even after they have sinned.  That is what allows one to do teshuva. 

The Zohar (Noach 76a) asks it should have said ה הולך not מתהלך?  The Zohar answers that Hashem goes before the person to help them out.  The Sfas Emes (5631) explains in the same vein.  When one takes a step in the right direction, they can tap into the power of Godliness within the individual. 

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