Thursday, February 17, 2022

The Realm Of Shabbos

This is a continuation of the previous post.  Why are the elements of the fact that Hashem gave us Shabbos as a special present and the neshama yesarah introduced in this parsha?  Rashi says אך את שבתתי תשמרו tells us that building the mishkan does not push aside Shabbos, why we have thought it does?  

We say in the Haggadah, אִלּוּ הֶאֱכִילָנוּ אֶת־הַמָּן וְלֹא נָתַן לָנוּ אֶת־הַשַׁבָּת, דַּיֵּנוּ.  Why do we mention specifically the mitzvah of Shabbos?  Also, why is the manna mentioned before Shabbos when Shabbos was given first in Marah?  The Briskor Rav on the Haggadah says that there are two aspects to Shabbos.  There are the laws of Shabbos like the laws of any other mitzvah and that was given in Marah.  However, there is also the aspect of Shabbos being a special present from Hashem as the Gemorah (Shabbat 10b and Beitzah 16a) says.  That aspect was given only after the manna and that is the special mention in the דיינו.  The Gemorah learns this idea that that Shabbos is a special present from the possuk in this week's parsha, לדעת כי אני ה' מקדשכם.  Why is it introduced here and why is Shabbos different than any mitzvah which is special and has a reward who's measure is unknown?  

The Maharal explains that by other mitzvot the reward is the present but the mitzvah itself is not other worldly.  On the other hand, Shabbos the mitzvah itself it connected to עולם הבא and it immeasurable.  It is only on Shabbos where one is raised up over the normal challenges and insecurities of the world and is brought to a place where the soul can refine the body.  The present that is Shabbos is the elevated connection to Hashem that is unique to Shabbos.  Rav Itzale Volozhiner says that is what the possuk is saying, אך את שבתתי תשמרו, don't build the Mishkan on Shabbos לדעת כי אני ה' מקדשכם, since you experience an experience of closeness with Hashem on Shabbos that is the same as the Mishkan.  However, the Alshich takes it a step further.  He says the whole yesod of the kedusha on the Mishkan depends on the kedusha of the person, ושכנתי בתוכם.  The kedusha of Shabbos is ביני וביניכם, it is to engulf a person with kedusha and therefore the kedusha can be spread through the Mishkan.  We can say in light of this that we would have thought the Mishkan can push aside Shabbos because it is the same yesod of kedusha.  קמ"ל the possuk that the yesod of the Mishkan depends on that of Shabbos so it can't override it.  That is why the present that is Shabbos is expressed in the parsha of the Mishkan for what the Mishkan is in place, the Shabbos is in time.  It is is the context of Mishkan that one can understand the present of Shabbos, the experience of being elevated to a higher realm of purification.  

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