Friday, February 11, 2022

The Eternal Flame

The Gemorah Menachot (86b) says that the נר מערבי that was constantly lit is עדות הוא לכל באי עולם שהשכינה שורה בישראל.  Why is this עדות demonstrated specifically through the menorah? 

The Baal HaTurim says that Titzaveh is the one parsha that does not contain Moshe Rabbenu's name because he said מחני נא מספרך אשר כתבת and קללת חכם אפעלו על תנאי היא באה.  but why is his name missing specifically from Titzaveh?  To answer the question we ask another question.  What does it help for Moshe Rabbenu to say מחני נא מספרך אשר כתבת, how does that atone for Klal Yisroel?  Moshe Rabbenu represents the power of Torah.  Klal Yisroel's sin was so great that the Torah would not permit any atonement and that would lead to Klal Yisroel being destroyed.  Moshe Rabbenu was saying מחני נא, remove my connection to Klal Yisroel through the Torah and reveal  the innate connection that exists between me and them.  In that case, Moshe will spare all of Klal Yisroel because they can't be separated from him, their leader (see Likutay Sichos volume 21 Tetzaveh sicha 1.)  That is the message of the menorah.  The Menorah represents חכמת התורה.  However, even one who has strayed from the light of the Torah still has a נר מערבי burning within them.  That is why it is the עדות ששכינה שורה בתוך ישראל.  It is the inextinguishable flame of the Jewish soul that proves ששכינה שורה בתוך ישראל.  The שכינה  is present not just in the Mikdash but in ישראל, in everyone.  That is why Hashem commands Moshe ואתה תצוה ... ויקחו אליך שמן זית.  Why does Moshe need to take the oil if he is not lighting the menorah?  Because it is this essence of Moshe, not limited by name that that aids in bringing forth the light of the Jewish soul.

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