Thursday, September 16, 2021

Song Of Ha'azinu

Why is Ha'azinu called a song?  What is the significance of it being a song?  Why is the shira of Haazenu the binyan av from where we learn out the mitzvah of writing the Torah, כתבו לכם את השירה הזאת and why does the Torah emphasize at the end of Vayelech that the shira of Ha'azinu was written until the end, עד תמם? 

The Rambam (32:40) describes that Haazenu encompasses all of Jewish history.  Even though there are good times and bad times, ups and downs, the Torah promises that in the end Hashem will take us back. He adds there is no condition of teshuva and avodah rather it is a שטר עדות that Hashem will take us back.  What guarantees this return, if there is no repentance of special service, why and how does Hashem guarantee our survival and returning to our heights? 

It must be that there is an intrinsic connection between Hashem and Klal Yisroel that goes beyond reason.  The Maharal in Netzach Ch. 11 says the reason for the choosing of Avraham is not limited to the actions of Avraham but the choosing goes beyond following in his good ways.  ישראל אע"פ שחטא ישראל הוא  (Sanhedrin 44a) is because the being of a Yisroel is not defined by one's actions.  It is an innate connection to Hashem.  That is the explanation of עיצומו של יום מכפר because on Yom Kippur this innate connection comes to the forth front and sin doesn't play a role there (see Likutay Sichos volume 4.)  This is what Ha'azinu teaches us.  The Torah promises that at the end, that is why it emphasizes עד תמם, this connection to Hashem that goes beyond logic will guarantee our returning to the heights of our connection to Hashem.  That is why the mitzvah of writing the Torah is expressed through the shira of Ha'azinu because it is most integral for the perpetual existence of Klal Yisroel to guarantee the continuum of the Torah (see Nesivos Shalom.)

As Lord Rabbi Sacks a'h describes song goes where words cannot touch.  Song is able to reflect the mood of joyous, sad, awesome, horrific and any shade in between.  Songs contain low notes and high notes.  Song was an integral part of the service in the Mikdash and people went to the gas chambers singing.  Song reflects the totality of Jewish history with its highs, lows, peaks and valleys.  Song comes forth from the inner chambers of the soul, it is the only medium of expression in which one can have a taste of the connection to Hashem celebrated by Ha'azenu.

This message is most profound for a Shabbos between Yom Kippur and Sukkot.  It is in these sublime days when one is able to be most in tune with their cleansed soul and feel that profound connection to Hashem which will be celebrated hopefully in the near future.

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