Sunday, September 5, 2021

Portfolio Day

 In the Mizmor L'dovid we say on the high holy days, the tefillah l'parnasah, we say מי יעלה בהר ה ומי יקום במקום קדשו נקי כפים ובר לבב אשר לא נשא לשוא נפשי ולא נשבע למרמה.  Why the repetition, if he is נקי כפים, it follows that אשר לא נשא לשוא נפשי?  Rav Simcha Zisal Brody brings from the Chofetz Chayim:

G-d invests in you.  G-d doesn't buy into your stock to merely not cause Him losses, he expects a gain for His return. It is not enough to avoid sin, G-d wants לא נשא לשוא נפשי, that the person raises his soul to additional heights.  Every year G-d goes over his portfolio and checks how His stocks are doing.  He wants to know if a person is raising themselves up, if they are accessing their full potential.  As discussed here Rosh Hashana is a time for a person to reflect on their capabilities and bring them to the forth front.

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