Saturday, December 5, 2020

Reaching The Throne

The Gemorah in Chullin (91) says on the possuk of ויאבק איש עימו עד עלות השחר that אמר רבי יהושע בן לוי, מלמד שהעלו אבק מרגלותם, עד כיסא הכבוד.  Why do Chazal say the dust went up to the כסא הכבוד?  And what is the point of knowing how much dust they raised?  I was thinking over Shabbos b'derech derush to connect this Chazal with a different place Chazal use the term עד כסא הכבוד.  The Gemorah Yoma 86a says  אמר רבי לוי: גדולה תשובה, שמגעת עד כסא הכבוד, שנאמר (הושע יד, ב): "שובה ישראל עד ה' אלוהיך.  The fight between the שר of עשו and Yaakov was not just a one-time fight but is the fight through all generations of the future.  The story in the Chumash is merely round one.  What is the guarantee that Klal Yisroel will survive through the final rond, how do we know they will emerge victorious?  The answer is תשובה.  Teshuva is a gift given only to Klal Yisroel.  We may become soiled in the dirt of Esev, but eventually we will will because of the power of teshuva.  That is why Chazal say the dust reached the כסא הכבוד. Up until where teshuva is accepted, the dust, the dirt of Esev will rise, but it stops there, at that point teshuva will redeem a person. 

The Gemorah in Shabbos (98b) says that after the malachim complained how can Torah be given to mankind, Hashem told Moshe אחוז בכסא כבודי וחזר להם תשובה.  The Or Gedalyahu says that this was Moshe's answer.  The advantage of man over the malachim is that man has the ability to reach the כסא הכבוד through teshuva.  Such great heights can never be reached by a malach.  It is this power of tesuva that gives us the advantage of the malachim and gurantees victory over Esev.  

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